RESULTS:College of Arts & Sciences, Advent Semester 2023


An examination of some of the major philosophical texts of the medieval period from Augustine to Aquinas, including representative works from the medieval Christian, Jewish, and Islamic traditions. This course ends with a reading of Alasdair MacIntyre's work, Three Rival Versions of Moral Inquiry, to raise the question of the validity of these medieval philosophical traditions in the pluralistic, post-modern world. Instructor permission required for first-year students.
This historically oriented program of reading and discussion focuses on the basic issues and fundamental problems of metaphysics. Particular attention is paid to the place of metaphysics in traditional philosophical thought and to its contemporary status and significance.
Examines selected writings from The Birth of Tragedy to The Will to Power. Emphasis is given to close reading of texts and critical evaluation of their main ideas.
An examination of contemporary debate on a selected topic such as ethical relativism, the relation of mind to body, or the nature of free will.

Physical Education

English Change Ringing is a non-competitive and non-contact team activity performed on the ring of eight bells in Breslin Tower. The "exercise," as it is commonly known, is highly stimulating intellectually and mildly demanding physically. It develops mental and physical skills in the context of a communal effort. A successful student will acquire the bells handling skills necessary to begin ringing the changes.
Skill development to ring common English change ringing methods such as hunting, Plain Bob, Grandsire, Steadman, etc.
Introduction to fishing includes instruction on the use of various equipment, baiting and setting the hook, and reeling in fish. Instructor will also share information on different types of fishing and how fishing affects the environment.
Foundations of Well-Being prepares students for academic, personal, and social success by exploring the science and practice of positive psychology to better understand the roots of a happy and meaningful life. The course is experiential and interactive, and students are required to participate in wellness activities both inside and outside of the classroom. Students will gain a clear understanding of the factors and practices that contribute to their own well-being, will be motivated to consistently apply those practices in their daily lives, and experience a sense of belonging and commitment to community well-being.
Foundations of Well-Being prepares students for academic, personal, and social success by exploring the science and practice of positive psychology to better understand the roots of a happy and meaningful life. The course is experiential and interactive, and students are required to participate in wellness activities both inside and outside of the classroom. Students will gain a clear understanding of the factors and practices that contribute to their own well-being, will be motivated to consistently apply those practices in their daily lives, and experience a sense of belonging and commitment to community well-being.
The pilates exercise program creates length, strength, and flexibility in the muscles. It promotes body balance and helps to provide spinal support. The program also uses mental focus to improve efficiency of movement while encouraging the control of muscles.
The pilates exercise program creates length, strength, and flexibility in the muscles. It promotes body balance and helps to provide spinal support. The program also uses mental focus to improve efficiency of movement while encouraging the control of muscles.
This course teaches the ground school requirements for the private pilot's license and provides instruction of basic flying skills.