RESULTS:College of Arts & Sciences, Advent Semester 2023

Women's and Gender Studies

Gender and politics are intricately related and this course examines them through study of the Middle East and North Africa region. It begins with a general overview of gender and politics broadly defined, and then applies these themes in a comparative way to particular issues that are relevant for the discussion of politics and gender in the region. Themes such as state feminism, gender and revolution, war, conflict and terrorism, religion, the history of imperialism and its contemporary consequences, law and social norms, and the regulation of the female body and dress as methods of political control will be examined.
This course will be an examination of gender differences and similarities in behavior, major theories of gender, and the role that gender plays in interacting with others. Students will design, implement, analyze, and present original research in the area of gender.
A study of literature, film, and other cultural expressions of Latin American and Latinx women. Examines the portrayal of gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, social class, and other issues in their work.
This course explores and analyzes a selection of contemporary Spanish and Latin American films directed by men and women. The course provides a panoramic view of current trends in cinema along with basic analytical and theoretical tools to better understand the film text. The course is organized thematically around topics of politics of memory, gender and sexuality, and social and global issues.
This course is designed to enrich students' knowledge of Black women’s activism during the twentieth century. Relying upon the perspectives expressed by Black women in their writings as a primary lens, students will have the opportunity to investigate some of the primary struggles for social justice waged by African and African-American women activists. In conjunction with a sustained emphasis upon Black women’s perspectives as articulated in their writings, we will consider some of the different dimensions of Black women’s resistance along with relevant scholarship.
An interdisciplinary research seminar required of all seniors majoring in women's and gender studies. Students engage in research on a topic of interest, culminating in a substantial thesis. The thesis must advance a lucid research question and interrogate a range of sources that bridge disciplinary boundaries and reflect feminist theory and/or methodology. Students take this course in the fall of the senior year. The course serves as the writing intensive credit within the major as well as providing the basis for an oral presentation and defense in the spring of the senior year.