This course provides an introduction to economic applications of statistics, including descriptive statistics, probability theory, distributions, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, simple and multiple regression, and the application of these statistics to economic research. Students will use econometric software and real-world data to study economic questions. Open only to students pursuing majors in Economics or Finance.
A study of the American monetary and banking systems, with particular attention to commercial banking, the Federal Reserve System, monetary theory, and monetary policy.
This course explores how the location decisions of utility-maximizing households and profit-maximizing firms lead to the formation of cities. Economic principles underlying urban development and their application to current policy debates are understood through examination of transportation, education, crime, housing, the role of government in land use patterns, and other urban issues.
The course examines the principles and concepts of development and focuses on major development problems and policies, both domestic and international. Topics of analysis include theories of economic growth and development, poverty and income distribution, population, human capital, agricultural and rural development, and international trade.
This course examines the nature of demand for different kinds of health services, the supply of health services, the market structure of the health care industry, market failures in the provision of health care services, alternative health care delivery systems, and related policy issues.
Discusses the economic performance of firms and industries; the importance of industrial structure in determining performance; the problem of monopoly, business behavior, and performance; public policies to promote competition; and public regulation.
This course provides an introduction to economic applications of statistics, including descriptive statistics, probability theory, distributions, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, simple and multiple regression, and the application of these statistics to economic research. Students will be introduced to econometric software and will begin to develop their senior research. Open only to seniors pursuing majors in economics or finance. Open only to seniors pursuing majors in economics or finance.
This course provides an introduction to economic applications of statistics, including descriptive statistics, probability theory, distributions, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, simple and multiple regression, and the application of these statistics to economic research. Students will be introduced to econometric software and will begin to develop their senior research. Open only to seniors pursuing majors in economics or finance. Open only to seniors pursuing majors in economics or finance.
This course provides an introduction to economic applications of statistics, including descriptive statistics, probability theory, distributions, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, simple and multiple regression, and the application of these statistics to economic research. Students will be introduced to econometric software and will begin to develop their senior research. Open only to seniors pursuing majors in economics or finance. Open only to seniors pursuing majors in economics or finance.
A study of the causes of and solutions for pollution and environmental degradation weighs the value of ecosystems and their role in sustaining economic activity. Applies cost/benefit analysis to environmental issues and provides an introduction to economics of nonrenewable and renewable resources such as mines, forests, and fish.
An introduction to the field of game theory--that is, study of strategic interactions in which participants take into account both the realized and anticipated behavior of other participants in determining their own behavior. Applications are drawn from the labor market, oligopoly, global politics, and everyday life.
This course builds upon a theoretical foundation in microeconomics through the study and use of quantitative decision-making tools commonly applied to economic problems faced by firms. The course is designed to improve the student’s ability to understand and apply economic principles used by firms in decision-making, in addition to providing an opportunity to create simple firm decision models using spreadsheets and basic statistical analysis.
This writing-intensive introduction to literature written in English may include a selection of formal verse, fiction, drama, and at least one play by Shakespeare. The course is designed to develop the student’s imaginative understanding of literature along with the ability to write and speak with greater clarity. It is intended to be of interest to students at any level of preparation.
This writing-intensive introduction to literature written in English may include a selection of formal verse, fiction, drama, and at least one play by Shakespeare. The course is designed to develop the student’s imaginative understanding of literature along with the ability to write and speak with greater clarity. It is intended to be of interest to students at any level of preparation.
This writing-intensive introduction to literature written in English may include a selection of formal verse, fiction, drama, and at least one play by Shakespeare. The course is designed to develop the student’s imaginative understanding of literature along with the ability to write and speak with greater clarity. It is intended to be of interest to students at any level of preparation.
This writing-intensive introduction to literature written in English may include a selection of formal verse, fiction, drama, and at least one play by Shakespeare. The course is designed to develop the student’s imaginative understanding of literature along with the ability to write and speak with greater clarity. It is intended to be of interest to students at any level of preparation.
This writing-intensive introduction to literature written in English may include a selection of formal verse, fiction, drama, and at least one play by Shakespeare. The course is designed to develop the student’s imaginative understanding of literature along with the ability to write and speak with greater clarity. It is intended to be of interest to students at any level of preparation.
This writing-intensive introduction to literature written in English may include a selection of formal verse, fiction, drama, and at least one play by Shakespeare. The course is designed to develop the student’s imaginative understanding of literature along with the ability to write and speak with greater clarity. It is intended to be of interest to students at any level of preparation.
This writing-intensive introduction to literature written in English may include a selection of formal verse, fiction, drama, and at least one play by Shakespeare. The course is designed to develop the student’s imaginative understanding of literature along with the ability to write and speak with greater clarity. It is intended to be of interest to students at any level of preparation.
This writing-intensive introduction to literature written in English may include a selection of formal verse, fiction, drama, and at least one play by Shakespeare. The course is designed to develop the student’s imaginative understanding of literature along with the ability to write and speak with greater clarity. It is intended to be of interest to students at any level of preparation.