This takes place in April for the upcoming Advent semester, and in November for the upcoming Easter semester. The registration process takes place over four nights - on the Sunday and Monday evenings of two consecutive weeks. Students are assigned registration times for these dates.
Student registration windows are prioritized by Order of the Gown status and the number of semester hours earned as follows:
Registration Opens |
Status |
Semester Hours Earned |
7:45 P.M. |
Gowned |
96 or more |
8:00 P.M. |
Not-Gowned |
96 or more |
8:15 P.M. |
Gowned |
64 or more |
8:45 P.M. |
Not-Gowned |
64 or more |
9:15 P.M. |
Gowned |
32 or more |
9:45 P.M. |
Not-Gowned |
32 or more |
10:30 P.M. |
Not-Gowned |
Fewer than 32 |
Please note that the assigned registration time is based on the number of hours a student has earned, which does not include hours in which a student is registered. Students should determine when their assigned registration windows open by logging in to their Banner self-service accounts and following these links: Student Services → Registration → Check Your Registration Status.
It is crucial that students pay close attention to the registration dates and times, and during the process itself. The Office of the University Registrar cannot enroll students in closed courses for any reason (including unintentional withdrawals), nor can the waitlist order be altered at any time. For more information about waitlisting, see Waitlists.
Students may register after their registration windows open but not before. Registration windows opening on the first three evenings of priority registration remains open until 4:00 P.M. the following day. After the registration window opens on the fourth evening, registration windows for degree-seeking students remain open through midnight on the last day to add in the upcoming semester. In the summer, registration closes for the month of July to permit new student scheduling.
On the first night of registration, students are permitted to register for four semester hours. On the second night of registration, students may register for up to eight semester hours. On the third night of registration , students may register for up to twelve semester hours, and on the fourth night of registration, students may register for up to nineteen semester hours. Registration for over nineteen hours is described in the entry on Credit Overload.
Registration for independent studies is described here: Independent Study Registration.
Because physical education courses carry no credit hours, students may register for them at any point after the first registration window opens. That is, in addition to academic courses, students may register for one or more physical education courses as soon as the first registration window opens through the end of the schedule adjustment period. Students must complete at least one physical education course during their first year, and at least two physical education courses by the end of the sophomore year. Varsity student athletes must register themselves for the corresponding PHED section for their varsity sport in order to receive credit.
Some courses are restricted to certain classifications of students. While registration windows are assigned solely based on earned credits, courses with classification restrictions observe applied credits - applied credits include earned hours, plus hours in which a student is currently enrolled. For instance, BIOL 424 is only open to seniors pursuing the Biology major. Registration in this course is only open to students who have declared a major in Biology and have 96 or more applied credits. The distinction between earned and applied credits can be seen in the upper right portion of SODA, as shown below:
In order to ensure a workable four-course schedule that meets student needs, students must consider carefully and prioritize their choice of courses. Students should register for those courses they need before those they merely want, especially if they are a junior or senior. It can be difficult to distinguish between “need” and “want,” but if a student is a junior or senior, the student should register first for those courses that are necessary in order to complete degree and major requirements. If students are uncertain about which courses they need, students should consult with their advisor and review their progress in meeting degree requirements through the Sewanee Online Degree Audit system (SODA).